- Conifer Nursery
- 300 Millionth Seedling
- Habitat Conservation Planning
- Research & Monitoring
- Down to Earth Perspective
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative
- Professional Foresters
- Forest Management
- Tree Species
- Wildlife & Plant Species
- Forest & Climate Change
- Forest & Green Building
- Recreation Access
- Watersheds / Water Quality
- Forest Fires
Research & Monitoring
Scientific Access Requirements and Standards
Recent reports and scientific reviews which Sierra Pacific Industries uses to help guide its resource management.
Some of the PDFs listed below are several Megabytes in size and could take several minutes to download depending upon your connection speed.
- 2020 Northern California Private Timberlands Fisher Conservation Summary Report (3.7 MB)
- Exhibits and Attachments to 2020 Northern California Fisher Conservation Summary Report (9 MB)
- Application of Confidence Intervals in Fisher Listing Determination (141 KB)
- Long-Term Erosion Rates of Forested Watersheds in Greater Battle Creek and Judd Creek (1,962 KB)
- Executive Summary - Post-Wildfire Salvage Logging, Soil Erosion, and Sediment Delivery---Ponderosa Fire, Battle Creek Watershed, Northern California (1,331 KB)
- Post-Wildfire Salvage Logging, Soil Erosion, and Sediment Delivery---Ponderosa Fire, Battle Creek Watershed, Northern California (2,414 KB)
- Greater Battle Creek Turbidity Monitoring: Update and Additions (2,061 KB)
- Floristic Diversity of Young Conifer Plantations (1,588 KB)
- Snag Management Objectives for Cavity-Using Species on Sierra Pacific Industries Lands (219 KB)
- Fisher Natal Den Use On Managed Timberland in California (1,034 KB)
- Northern Spotted Owls Near Weaverville and Trinity Lake In Trinity County (4 MB)
- Botany Policy (3,538 KB)
- Raptor Policy (95 KB)
- Determining Water Temperature Objectives for Streams on Sierra Pacific Lands (198 KB)
- Nesting Success of Landbirds in Managed Forests (1,976 KB)
- Pacific Fisher Use of a Managed Forest Landscape in Northern California (292 KB)
- Pine Marten Use of a Managed Forest Landscape in Northern California (237 KB)
- Native Riparian and Rare Plant Species Conservation Project (15 KB)
- Redwood Creek Fish Migration Survey Results, 2000 (366 KB)
- Special Interest Plant Species Study (57 KB)
Redwood Creek and Salmon, a study from Humboldt County, California